Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday 7, 2009

This morning Scott had a little bit harder time waking up, most likely due to his radiation treatments. He was welcomed by Lexi his two year old granddaughter who always brings a big smile to his face. We had breakfast then left for his sixth radiation treatment, knowing we would see his radiation oncologist afterwards. His treatment lasted five minutes as it radiates both sides of the brain. Scott considers it a blessing since we have met others who have much longer treatments.

Scott had gained thirteen pounds but when he told the doctor he wasn't impressed saying it was the steroids and we will begin to ween you off of them starting this week. He also told us that this next week the effects from the treatments will begin. He will experience more fatigue and start losing his hair. He was cautioned on being outside in the sun even for short periods since the sun can burn his skin. After this week he will have a week or two of rest then he will begin chemo treatments. I tried to get an answer about the chemo on the length but he once again told us his oncologist will inform us when we see him at that next appointment. Although he did give us a little hint when he mentioned that after his first month of treatment he will need an MRI before his next treatment begins. I figured that must mean he will have at least two months of chemo. After our visit we arrived home to a full household, with all the kids so we are now getting ready to go to the park to give dad some quiet time.

hugs and kisses to all!



  1. Thank you for the update! Our family continues to pray for yours!

  2. thank you for your prayers!

    hugs & kisses

